Sunday, February 17, 2013

Do you think America will convert or become Communist?






After the fall of the “Berlin Wall" in 1990, many thought communism was dead and could be relegated to the "dustbin of history."

However, is communism really dead?

I think that neither socialism nor communism have died.  In fact, although the political power of communism and socialism has declined, it is undeniable that its cultural aspects are now at a peak.

Much more important than the political expansion of communism/socialism is the spreading of ideas and customs that are leading the world to abandon the natural order and Christian civilization. Such ideas and customs can be seen everywhere in campaigns in favor of abortion, euthanasia, same-sex “marriage,” and other moral aberrations.


Much more important than the political expansion of communism, is the spreading of ideas and customs that are leading the world to abandon the natural order and Christian civilization.

Somebody could ask: “What do these moral issues have to do with socialism?” The answer can be given at two levels: that of doctrine and of facts.

Pride and unbridled sensuality break down intellectual and moral barriers that preserve the order established by God in the universe, thus opening the gates for the progress of socialism. In turn, socialism provides philosophical systematization and political support for such practices.

In other words, everything that favors immorality on the one hand, or the revolt against any inequality on the other, ipso facto fosters the advancement of socialism. Conversely, socialism favors these same unrestrained evil tendencies of fallen man, masking them under the façade of a pseudo-philosophy and pseudo-science.

It is no coincidence that, upon coming to power, socialist parties try to implement the homosexual agenda, promote or facilitate abortion, impose stringent "hate crime” laws, or advance other “politically correct” causes.

Socialist Leaders 1_1.jpg

Socialism provides philosophical systematization and political support for the breakdown of intellectual and moral barriers that preserve the order established by God. 
                           Photo by Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agencia Brasil.

How do good Catholics fight back?

First of all by practicing our faith in all of its plenitude and beauty.

Second, by fighting the rotten culture around us.

Third, by working to create a truly moral civilization in America.  It is not enough to practice good morals, but we need to create a society where the practice of good morals becomes the norm, not the exception.

Until we do that, the children reared in good Catholic families become influenced by the popular culture and join the “other side.”


A new book, Return to Order explains how to restore America and to create a true Organic Christian Society here.

Backed by 20 years to research, this book will show you how to fight the popular culture that is ruining the souls of our children.

Return to Order web site

Check it out here:

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